Researches Research Publications

Research Publications

Faculty / Students Research Papers Published
Year 2017
  • ​Akhter, M. I., Irfan, M., Shahzad, N., Ullah, R. (2017).  Community Based Flood Risk Reduction: A Study of 2010 Floods in Pakistan. American Journal of Social Science Research. Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 35-42 ISSN: 2381-7712 (Print); ISSN: 2381-7720 (Online)
  • Ali, Y., Irfan, M., Ahmed, S., and Ahmed, S. (2017). Permanent Deformation Prediction of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures – A Synthesis to Explore a Rational Approach. Construction & Building Materials. Elsevier. Volume 153, pp 588-597, ISSN: 0950-0618. Impact Factor: 3.485
  • Irfan, M., Saeed, M., Ahmed, S., and Ali, Y. (2017). Performance Evaluation of Elvaloy as a Fuel Resistant Polymer in Asphaltic Concrete Airfield Pavements. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 29(10), ISSN 0899-1561. Impact Factor: 1.644
  • Ali, Y., Irfan, M., Ahmed, S., and Ahmed, S. (2017). Empirical Correlation of Permanent Deformation Tests for Evaluating the Rutting Response of Conventional Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. Impact Factor: 1.644​
  • Paper published in ‘Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology’, (HEC Recognized “X” Category Journal), Application of Lean Agile Resilient Green Paradigm Framework on China Pakistan Economic Corridor: as A Case Study. Volume 36, No. 3, July, 2017.
  • Fahim Ullah, M., Thaheem, J., Siddiqui, S. Q., and  Khurshid, M. B. (2017). “Influence of Six Sigma on Project Success in Construction Industry of Pakistan “, The TQMJournal, Vol. 29 Iss 2 pp. 276 – 309. (Scopus Indexed SJR : 0.4).
  • Rafiq, W., Hussain, A., Khurshid, M. B. and Humair, M. (2017). “Laboratory Evaluation of Asphalt Mixes Containing Various Percentages of Recycled Asphalt Pavement”.  Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 6(1) . pp. 1-9.​
  • Afzai, M. M. Khalaf, M. I. Khan, A. B. Saeid, and Q. Iqbal, “Some studies in fuzzy non-associative semigroups”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 32 (2017) 1917–1930, ISI
  • V. Amjid, FYousafzai  & Q. Iqbal, “Generalized ideals in ordered left almost semigroups”, Afrika Mathematika, DOI: 10.1007/s313370-016-0470-8​
  • Imran Ullah, Sharidan Shafie, Ilyas Khan. (2017). MHD free convection flow of Casson fluid over a permeable nonlinear stretching sheet with chemical reaction. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 13(3): 263-270. (ISI INDEXED).
  • Imran Ullah, Sharidan Shafie and Ilyas Khan, (2017), MHD heat transfer flow of Casson fluid past a stretching wedge subject to suction and injection. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 13(4): 637-641 (ISI INDEXED)​
  • Inamullah Khan, Deshan Shan, Qiao Li, Jie He: Continuous Modal Parameter Identification of a Cable Stayed Bridge Based on a Novel Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,, 2017. (ISI)​.
  • Akhtar, K and Stark, T.D.(2017)”Importance of Side Resistance in 3D Stability Analysis,” Proceedings of Specialty Conference GeoFrontiers 2017: Innovation and Collaboration in Technology and Practice, ASCE, Orlando, FL, 12-15 March, 2017, 10 p.
  • Wali B., Ahmed, A ,  Ahmad N. (2017). An Ordered-Probit Analysis of Enforcement of Road Speed Limits. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineering (ICE) Transport.
  • Ahmed, A., Saeed, T. U., Hayos, J. M , Labi, S. (2017). Pavement Repair Marginal Costs: Accounting for Heterogeneity Using Random-Parameter Regression. ASCE’s Journal of Infrastructure Systems: 23(4). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000367
  • Bai, Q., Ahmed, A, Labi, S., Sinha, K.C (2017). Traffic Volume Benchmarks for Major Arterial Widening versus Expressway Construction – An Exploratory Approach. ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A Systems:143(8) DOI:10.1061/JTEPBS.0000065.
  • Saeed, T. U., Moomen M., Ahmed, A, Labi, S., (2017). Performance Evaluation and Life Prediction of Highway Concrete Bridge Superstructure across Design Types ASCE’s Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities: 31(5).DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001051.
  • Wali B., Ahmed, A, Iqbal S., Hussain A. (2017). Effectiveness of enforcement level of speed limit and drink driving laws and associated factors – Exploratory empirical analysis using a bivariate ordered probit model. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering: 4 (3), pp. 272-279.​​
 ​​Year 2018
  • Tahir, H. B., Irfan, M., Hussain, A., Ali, Y., Hussain, E. (2018).  Predicting the permanent deformation behaviour of the plant-produced asphalt concrete mixtures: A first order regression approach. Construction & Building Materials, Elsevier, ISSN: 0950-0618, 189, 629-639. Impact Factor: 3.465
  • Gul, M. A., Irfan, M., Ahmed, S., Ali, Y., Khanzada, S. (2018).  Modelling and characterising the fatigue behaviour of asphaltic concrete mixtures. Construction & Building Materials. Elsevier, ISSN: 0950-0618. 184, 723-732, Impact Factor: 3.465
  • Irfan, M., Khurshid, A, N.Khurshid, M B., Ali Y., Khattak A. (2018). Policy Implications of Work-Trip Mode Choice Using Econometric Modeling. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144 (8). ASCE. ISSN (print): 2473-2907. Impact Factor: 1.324
  • Junaid, M.,Irfan, M., Ahmed S., Ali Y. (2018). Effect of binder grade on performance parameters of asphaltic concrete paving mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. ISSN: 1996-6814. Elsevier, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp 435-444. Impact Factor: 0.590 (SJR)
  • Ali, Y.,Irfan, M., Zeeshan, M., Ahmed, S., and Hafeez, I. (2018). Revisiting the Relationship of Dynamic and Resilient Modulus Test for Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures. Construction & Building Materials. Elsevier, ISSN: 0950-0618. 170, 698-707. Impact Factor: 3.465
  • M., Ali, Y., Iqbal, S., Ahmed, S., and Hafeez, I. (2018). Rutting Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures Using Static, Dynamic, and Repeated Creep Load Tests. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, ISSN: 2193-567X (Print) DOI 10.1007/s13369-017-2982-4 (Online). Vol 43 (10), pp 5143–5155. Impact Factor: 0.865
  • Irfan, M., Ali, Y., Ahmed, S., and Hafeez, I. (2018). Performance Evaluation of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures Based on Laboratory and Field Investigations. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, ISSN: 2193-567X (Print) 2191-4281 (Online). 43 (4), 1795-1806, Impact Factor: 0.865​
  • Irfan, M., Khurshid, A.N., Khurshid, M.B., Ali, Y., Khattak, A. (2018). Analyzing the Policy Implications on Work-Trip Mode Choice Using Econometric Modelling. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. ASCE. ISSN (print): 2473-2907 Accepted for Publication in Vol.144. ISI Impact Factor: 1.324
  • Haq F., Hussain A., Khurshid, M.B. (2018). “Permanent Deformation and Moisture Damage of Asphalt Mixes Containing RAP and Sasobit”. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, ISSN:2455-2143, Volume 2, Issue 11, pp 32-39.
  • Hussain A., Haq F., Ali, N., Khurshid, M.B. and Khan, M. A., (2018). “Use of Waste Plastic Bottles as a Modifier in Bituminous Pavements”. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, ISSN:2455-2143, Volume 2, Issue 10, pp 22-27.
  • Rashid H.M., Ahmed, A ,Wali B and Qureshi N. A. (2018). An Analysis of Highway Workzone Safety Practices in Pakistan. International Journal of Injury Control and safety Promotion. Accepted in press.
  • Khan M. A., Ahmed, A , Kayani W. (2018). Optimal Timing for Lane(s) Addition to an Existing Highway: A Benefit-Cost Approach.​
  • Imran Ullah, Sharidan Shafie and Ilyas Khan, (2018), Heat generation and absorption in MHD flow of Casson fluid past a stretching wedge with viscous dissipation and Newtonian heating. Jurnal Teknologi. 80(3):2018. (ISI INDEXED)
  • Imran Ullah, Ilyas Khan and Sharidan Shafie, Hydromagnetic Falkner-Skan flow of Casson fluid past a moving wedge with heat transfer. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 55(3): 2139–2148. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
​ ​​Year 2019
  • Irfan, M., Bullar, A. S., Khan, A.H., and Gul, M. F. (2019). A binary logistic model for predicting the tertiary stage of permanent deformation of conventional asphalt concrete mixtures. Construction & Building Materials. Elsevier, ISSN: 0950-0618. 227 (116608). Impact Factor: 4.046
  • Gao, J., Wang, H., Bu, Y., You, Z., Zhang, X., and Irfan, M. (2019). Influences of coarse aggregates angularity on asphalt mixture’s macro-performance: skid resistance, high-temperature and compaction performance. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 29(10), ISSN 0899-1561. Impact Factor: 1.644
  • Wang, H., Li, X., Xiao, J., You, Z., Yang, X. and Irfan, M. (2019). High-Temperature Performance and Workability of Crumb Rubber–Modified Warm-Mix Asphalt. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 48. ASTM (in press). Impact Factor: 0.711
  • Irfan, M., Ali, Y., Ahmed, S., Iqbal, S., and Wang, H. (2019). Rutting and Fatigue Properties of Cellulose Fiber-Added Stone Mastic Asphalt Concrete Mixtures. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Hindawi, Vol. 2019, 8 pages. Impact Factor: 1.372
  • Zhang, X., Wang, H., Hasan, M. R. M., Gao, J., Irfan, M. (2019). Traffic open time prediction of fog seal with sand using image processing technology. Construction and Building Materials. Elsevier, ISSN: 0950-0618. 209, 9-19. Impact Factor: 3.465
  • ​​Wang, H., Zhang, C., You, Z., Gao, J., Irfan, M. (2019). Performance Test on SBS Modified Asphalt Based on the Different Evaluation Methods. Applied Sciences. Impact Factor 1.364
Research Publication Summary